Sunday, March 2, 2008

My long lost friend Melanie

One of the best things about blogs is hearing from friends you haven't seen in like 15 years!  So I got a comment from one of these special friends a while back.  She's extra special since she is responsible for hooking me up with my wonderful husband!  Thanks Mel!  Our houses backed up to each other during our junior high years and we spent many summer days hoping back and forth to each others houses, playing mad libs for hours and swimming with her older brothers cute friends.  It was a sad day when she moved over to the Mountain Pew side of town!

This picture is from girls camp.  Melanie is in the red & white striped shirt.  Emily is in the plaid and Traci is in the turquoise sweatshirt.  That's me in the black.  I think it's from 1985? or 1986?  I think that was the year Emily and I were almost sent home from camp for ditching out on the hike.  They made us chop out a big stump in the middle of the dirt road instead.  It was worth it though.  While they were out hiking for 5 hours,  Emily and I had the whole camp to ourselves.  We took hot showers, raided everyones candy, and took a great nap.  Good times!

Back to Melanie,  thanks for your comments and I can't wait to catch up with you!!  


Judy/Mom said...

How fun that Melanie got in touch with you. They were a great family to live by and the Todd hook-up is a bonus. I think I have pictures of all of you girls from Horizons 1984 when you were Beehives (in your white dresses). You poor girls were stuck with me as your advisor from Merrie Miss on for lots of years. What a fun group!
If you hear from Melanie again tell her to say Hi to her parents from me!

Love your blog!

Melanie Engen said...

I can't stop laughing! You know that I still have dreams about hiking the fence to your house.. except that I am 35 years old, that fence sure does seem alot higher and your family doesn't recognize me anymore! Of all the pictures you pick of me, you pick camp. You and I fought more at camp than any other time. At least my hair looked good...perms? I think about Horizons too and wished that my daughter had n opportunity to do things like that too someday. Did you know that Harman Recter Jr. performed my marriage. I loved him from Horizons. Thanks to Dick Johnson, we had an in. Soooo happy to hear from you. We will have to talk soon. Until then, I owe you a funny pic. Maybe of us sleeping on the tramp or something.

The Kennedy Family said...

i love it!

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Hey Courtney! Long time, no talk or see or anything. How are you? It seriously has been years. Last time I visited, you had just used money from an auto accident to get new furniture. Isn't it funny I remember that?

So... this pic of you guys at camp completely cracks me up. I loved Camp Kenyon. And, I totally don't blame you for avoiding the hike. Although, was it the one with the lake that you got to go swimming in, because that was awesome and I hate hiking.

Anyway, hope you can come to the soiree we have planned in September. It will be fun to be in AZ with my sisters and catch up with everyone again. See you soon.